The Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Editorial Board chooses resection techniques namely EMR/submucosal dissection and full-thickness resection as one of the top 3 endoscopic advances of 2018. Votes from each individual of the 9-member board were tallied to identify a consensus list of 10 areas of endoscopic research they considered a top priority based on the criteria of significance, novelty, impact on national health and impact on global health. With 7 votes, gastrointestinal resection techniques including EFTR were listed as number 3 of this list.
To identify major new advances in gastrointestinal endoscopy in 2018, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy’s (ASGE) Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (GIE) Editorial Board reviewed original research articles pertaining to GI endoscopy published during 2018 in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and 10 other leading medical and gastroenterology journals. These journals were selected on the basis of impact factor and included medical journals (Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine), gastroenterology journals (American Journal of Gastroenterology, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Gut, Hepatology), and specific endoscopic journals (endoscopy, GIE). Reviewing the titles, each member of the 9-member editorial board independently identified 10 areas of endoscopic research they considered a top priority based on the criteria of significance, novelty, impact on national health, and impact on global health. The list from each member was compiled, and the votes were then tallied to identify the consensus “Top 10 topics in GI endoscopy in 2018”. The list is arranged in order of priority based on the number of votes for each topic: adenoma detection (9 votes), bariatric endoscopy (8 votes), EMR/submucosal dissection/full-thickness resection (7 votes), artificial intelligence (7 votes), expandable metal stents for palliation of biliary obstruction (6 votes), pancreatic therapy with lumen-apposing metal stents (6 votes), endoscopic reprocessing (6 votes), Barrett’s esophagus (6 votes), interventional EUS (5 votes), and GI bleeding (5 votes).
Acknowledging there may still be some bias and subjectivity, the board trusts that the list of the top 10 advances will guide educators by defining new endoscopic techniques that need to be propagated in clinical practice, and focus investigators on priority areas for research.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Editorial Board top 10 topics: advances in GI endoscopy in 2018.
Cohen J, Desilets DJ, Hwang JH, Baig KRKK, Leung FW, Maranki JI, Okolo PI, Swanstrom LI, Chak A.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2019; 90(1):35-43; DOI: