Procedures for
endoscopic therapy
and diagnosis

Ovesco offers the right product for a wide variety of endoscopic procedures. Precisely tailored to the needs of clinical practice, we pursue the goal of developing innovative solutions for your everyday clinical challenges and optimizing the capabilities of endoscopic diagnostics and therapy.



OTSC® has more than proven itself for hemostasis in clinical practice. Numerous studies, including five RCTs, prove the superiority of OTSC® as a first-line treatment for hemostasis. OTSC® and its evolution, OTSC®neo, are used in the upper GI tract for hemostasis in cases such as peptic ulcer, Dieulafoy, Mallory-Weiss-Bleeding or angiodysplasia. Moreover, OTSC® and OTSC®neo can also be used to efficiently stop bleeding in the lower GI tract for diverticula, angiodysplasia or rectal ulcers.

The innovative design and material properties of superelastic and biocompatible Nitinol® enable simple and effective hemostasis with low rebleeding rates.


Blood clot management

With the OTSG Xcavator®, we have developed an endoscopic grasper with maximum grasping volume for the removal of blood clots. The working channel remains free, for example for suction or irrigation since the product sits on the endoscope like a cap.


Treatment of bleeding with

The ArgoCap® facilitates the secure guidance and firm fixation of the APC probe for uniform ablation. It is therefore suitable for APC treatment of radiation proctitis, GAVE syndrome and angiodysplasia.


Endoscopic Resection

Polypectomy / EMR / EMR+

The products of our RESECT+ line allow you to optimize polypectomy and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) procedures. LiftUp® enables the precise submucosal injection of a long-lasting safety cushion. Together with the AWC®, which allows the use of two instruments simultaneously, you can perform larger en-bloc resections using EMR+.


ESD / ESD+ / Hybrid-ESD+

ESD is a sophisticated technique, which is simplified with our instruments of the RESECT+ line. The AWC® creates an additional working channel that allows you to use two instruments simultaneously to create optimal tissue traction. LiftUp® is a viscous thermoreversible gel that creates long-lasting lifting of the tissue to reduce repeated injections. The ESD+ and Hybrid-ESD+ techniques can positively influence the learning curve to master ESD and are therefore also suitable for ESD beginners.


Full-thickness resection
including Hybrid technique

Combination techniques such as the Hybrid technique, which combines EMR will full-thickness resection, can close important therapeutic gaps, for example when lesion size, accessibility or scarring push conventional resection techniques to their limits. With FTRD®, Ovesco has developed an innovative tool that makes these resections minimally invasive. With the FTRD® System, lesion closure and resection are performed one after the other without changing instruments. The technique is used, for example, for T1 carcinomas, lesions at the base of the appendix or duodenal NETs.



Ovesco also offers specialized instruments for POEM. LiftUp® enables the creation of a submucosal safety cushion, which is essential for the safe separation of tissue layers. The AqaNife®, a specially developed knife, supports you in safe and targeted incision and dissection. The rotatable Coag Dissector is used for blunt dissection and coagulation during the procedure. Finally, OTSC® and OTSC®neo can be used to reliably close any mucosal defects.



Perforation closure

The OTSC® and OTSC®neo System are innovative solutions for closing perforations in the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the shape of the clip and the material properties of the superelastic Nitinol®, OTSC® and OTSC®neo enable fast and dynamic closure. The OTSC® Twin Grasper® can be used as an application aid for retracting the wound edges of perforations.


Treatment of
anastomotic insufficiencies

OTSC® and OTSC®neo are also suitable for the management of anastomotic insufficiencies in addition to EVT. Once the wound cavity has been sufficiently reduced with EVT, the remaining cavity can be closed with OTSC® or OTSC®neo and the patient can be discharged from the hospital earlier.


Fistula closure

The OTSC® and OTSC®neo System are also suitable for the closure of anorectal and rectovaginal fistulas.

Developed especially for proctology, OTSC® Proctology offers a simple and sphincter-sparing procedure for the closure of anorectal fistulas.

With the optimized fistula closure procedure, otherwise therapy-resistant fistulas can be treated more effectively. The AqaNife® is used to refresh the tissue through a circular incision before the clip is placed in the incision line. This can lead to reduced tissue tension and more effective compression.


Treatment of complications
after bariatric surgery

BARS® provides you with a minimally invasive system that enables anastomosis treatment for lumen reduction. Such an enlarged anastomosis can occur after a Roux-en-y bypass, for example, and can be associated with complications such as dumping syndrome or weight regain. BARS® enables the use of various application aids and a balloon for uniform approximation of the tissue and a defined residual lumen.

Complications following bariatric surgery, such as leaks and fistulas, can also be treated with BARS®, for example as a secondary therapy to EVT or during stent therapy. The stentfix OTSC® can also be used to effectively prevent stent migration.



Removal of Ovesco Clips

Ovesco clips are biocompatible and can remain in the body indefinitely if they do not dislocate independently after wound healing. Nevertheless, there are situations that make it necessary to remove the OTSC®, OTSC®neo or FTRD® clips. The remOVE product range is available for these cases. The clips are precisely severed using direct current pulses via a probe and can be easily retrieved using the grasper and a special cap (FBR set). In difficult cases, e.g. very ingrown clips, the AWC® can be used to facilitate contact between the probe and clip.


Removal of foreign bodies
and food boluses

With the OTSG Xcavator® and the FBR Set, we have developed different products for optimized foreign body removal. With its strong grasper and flexible cap, the FBR Set is particularly suitable for sharp-edged foreign bodies, while the OTSG Xcavator® is ideal for removing food boluses and foreign bodies thanks to its extra-large grasping volume.


Tissue removal

The large volume of the OTSG Xcavator® allows large-volume evacuation even of tissue that is difficult to grasp, for example necrotic tissue.


Stenosis & stent management

Stricture management /

With the help of the BougieCap, you can significantly improve the treatment of stenoses for patients. The transparent design of the cap allows you direct visual control of the bougienage, while the two-stage design enables precise dilation of the stricture in millimeter increments.


Stent fixation

The stentfix OTSC® System was specially developed for the fixation of metal stents in the digestive tract. The design of the clip enables precise positioning and effective anchoring in the tissue and on the stent mesh, thus preventing migration of the stent.


Tissue ablation with APC

The angulation of the APC probe with the ArgoCap™ enables a constant probe distance through secure fixation and thus uniform ablation, for example in Barrett's esophagus.



Blood detection

Using the HemoPill®, you can quickly and easily detect bleeding in the esophagus, stomach and small intestine without the need to prepare the patient. The easy-to-swallow, sensor-based capsule sends real-time data to the receiver, allowing healthcare professionals to quickly assess and prioritize patients.

Our HemoPill® product range is ideal for the assessment of suspected UGI bleeding in endoscopy, emergency departments, or intensive care units.


Full-thickness biopsy

With the diagnostic FTRD®, you can perform a minimally invasive full-thickness biopsy of the tissue in the colon and rectum. This biopsy allows you to obtain a precise histological image of the enteric nerve system and can provide you with important diagnostic information.

Full-thickness biopsy with the FTRD® is used, for example, in hypo- and aganglionosis, enteric ganglionitis, visceral neuropathies and myopathies, gastrointestinal amyloidosis or enteric manifestations of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.