German Coloproctology-Congress of the German Society for Coloproctology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie – DGK)
together with the Association of Coloproctology Professionals (BCD) and the Surgical Working Group for Coloproctology of the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (CACP of DGAV):
– The OTSC® Proctology is safe, effective and continence preserving.
The 45th Coloproctology-Congress of the DGK took place on April 14 – 16, 2019 in Munich, Germany.
Crohn’s disease und stoma were central topics of the congress. Almost 1250 participants and 45 exhibiting companies attended. As one highlight of the congress, a prize winners meeting was held on the last day of the congress, during which PD Dr. S. Blaumeiser and colleagues presented a multicentric long-term study with the OTSC Proctology.
For further information see:
Conference Report of the German Coloproctology-Congress of the DGK 2019 (English)
Kongressbericht des Deutschen Koloproktologenkongresses der DKG 2019 (German)