FTRD case study: Successful curing of primary gastric plasmacytoma

Case study demonstrates successful use of the gastroduodenal FTRD in curing rare primary gastric plasmacytoma (PGP) in 56-year-old patient

Key findings
• First successful en bloc curative resection of a PGP using gastroduodenal FTRD
• Endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) using the FTRD System resulted in a negative deep margin
• Measured size of resected specimen: 25x17x11mm
• Follow-up endoscopy (five months after resection) showed a healthy-appearing scar and no evidence of residual or recurrent mass

Study details
• Type / Period: Case report of a single patient
• Population: Patient (56-year-old man) with a past medical history of hypertension and H pylori infection eradicated with quadruple therapy
• Aim: Evaluation of the use of EFTR in curing primary gastric plasmacytoma
• Indication: 20mm PGP noted in the proximal corpus along the greater curvature on EGD; heterogenous lesion demonstrated submucosal origin and adherence to the muscularis propria on EUS; curative ESD was precluded

St. Laurent CW, Mareth KF, Yuen CH, Rumman A. S2517 Primary Gastric Plasmacytoma Cured With Endoscopic Full-Thickness Resection. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021;116(1):S1063-S1063.

For further clinical and product information, please follow our website links on Clinical evidence or the gastroduodenal FTRD® System.
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the team from the Ovesco Scientific Information Service

colonic FTRD® mounted on an endoscope enables endoscopic full-thickness resection of lesions in the colon and rectum Ovesco Endoscopy