BARS case report: potential for non-surgical outlet reduction in post-RYGB weight regain

BARS® technique successfully used for a minimally invasive revision of post-RYGB weight regain with significant weight lost in 6-month follow-up.

Key findings
• Endoscopic and radiological evaluations showed a significant reduction of the gastric pouch and gastrojejunal anastomosis after BARS
• Post-procedural observation was uneventful and patient was discharged on day 2
• 6-month clinical follow-up showed substantial weight loss of 14kg and no adverse effects
• BARS technique has the potential to be performed in outpatient setting

Case details
• 68-year-old male underwent RYGB in 2013 and achieved 35% total weight loss
• Gradual weight regain occurred 7 years later
• Due to previous surgeries (aneurismatic aortic repair, left renal capsuled cancer) invasive approach was excluded

Grande G, Carloni L, Pignata L, Gennaro N de, Cocca S, Formiga A, Piccoli M, Mecheri F, Bertani H, Conigliaro R. A Novel Bariatric Reduction System (BARS) Devices for Revision of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Patient with Weight Regain Unfit for Surgery. Ann Case Report. Published online

For further clinical and product information, please follow our website link to the BARS®.

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the team from the Ovesco Scientific Information Service