Within the scope of the Annual Meeting of the Chilean – Germany Chamber of Commerce (CAMCHAL) on 29th of March in Santiago, Chile, ++ zepeda was honored as an organization which not only achieves impressive economic success, but also acts as an environmental and social organization.
++zepeda, Ovesco`s distributor for Chile, markets and repairs medical equipment in the area of gastroenterology. The business focus of the organization is on the human being along the entire value chain. The team of ++ zepeda travelled to Germany in order to learn about the values of German companies, their conscience with the environment and the social surroundings, as well as economic achievements.
Some of the many specific results of the new approach are, for example, that in a great collaborative work with other institutions, the waiting list of endoscopies in the city of Nueva Imperial was eliminated. In addition, one of the scientific works was chosen the best of the Chilean Congress of Gastroenterology. ++zepeda was furthermore invited to belong to the Open Beauchef mentoring network and innovation ecosystem of the School of Engineering of the University of Chile. More than 30 entrepreneurs and businessmen have visited their company in order to get to know the new management model and the way how to live their purpose on a day-to-day basis.
Ovesco congratulates ++zepeda to his award and is looking forward to further collaboration!
See also ++zepeda homepage: original article and image of award ceremony