Congress, Event

Congress of ESGE 2023 – Congress Report

Congress Report of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) 2023: 

  • OTSC® System
    – Multicentric RCT shows higher efficacy of OTSC compared to TTS clip as first-line mechanical treatment in the specific setting of peptic ulcer bleeding
    – Prof. Götz recommends OTSC as part of the standard endoscopic toolbox and shows specific use cases of OTSC in the Postgraduate Course
    – Cohort study with 32 patients indicates that stentfix OTSC decreases migration rates and increases permanence time of FCMS in benign esophageal disease
  • HemoPill®
    – Case report: HemoPill acute confirms GI blood loss in obscure bleeding and helped to guide timing for device assisted enteroscopy
  • FTRD® System:
    – Case report: Hybrid-FTRD rescues patient with a recurrent fibrotic adenoma
    – EFTR as first-line treatment for colorectal lesions highly suspicious of invasive adenocarcinoma
  • remOVE System
    – Case report: Use of OTSG Xcavator® for necrosectomy of a walled-off necrosis makes procedure more effective and faster
  • Further lectures involving Ovesco products

The ESGE 2023 took place in Dublin, Ireland, from 22 to 24 April 2023. Ovesco technology and procedures were presented in various talks and posters.

For further information see:
Congress Report of ESGE 2023 (English)