
  • Ein quadratisches, grünes Prädikat mit den Worten Familienbewusstes Unternehmen 2024. Unten ist ein stilisiertes Haus aus Dreiecken und Rechtecken zu sehen.
    juillet 2024

    Ovesco Endoscopy à nouveau distinguée comme entreprise favorable à la famille

    La conciliation de la vie familiale et professionnelle est une préoccupation centrale pour Oves ...

  • Nominiert für großer Preis des Mittelstandes
    septembre 2023

    Press release | Worldwide lifesaver

    Worldwide lifesaver with innovative medical technology comes from Tübingen Company among the th ...

  • juin 2023

    Ovesco ist Leading Employer 2023

    We, Ovesco Endoscopy AG, have once again been awarded the employer seal „Leading Employer“. Thi ...

  • janvier 2023

    kununu seal„Top Company 2023“

    We, Ovesco Endoscopy AG, have been awarded the kununu seal “Top Company 2023”. we a ...

  • avril 2022

    Ovesco is Leading Employer 2022

    We, Ovesco Endoscopy AG, have been awarded the employer seal „Leading Employer“. This cross-ind ...

  • mai 2021

    Ovesco has received the “Innovative through Research” seal of quality

    Based on an R&D data survey by the Stifterverband, Ovesco has qualified to receive the ...

  • août 2020

    Ovesco Endoscopy awarded TOP 10 MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS Solution Providers 2020

    Ovesco Endoscopy awarded TOP 10 MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS Solution Providers 2020 Ovesco Endoscopy ha ...

  • janvier 2020

    Ovesco Endoscopy awarded FOCUS Growth Champion 2020

    Ovesco has been able to achieve a large growth in turnover and employees in recent ...

  • septembre 2019

    Ovesco Endoscopy ranks among Germany’s innovation leaders

    For Ovesco Endoscopy AG, product innovation is among their core competences. Within the framewo ...

  • janvier 2019

    Press release | Ovesco Endoscopy honored as family-friendly company

    Stuttgart, December 11, 2018 – Three medical technology companies of Tübingen receive the famil ...

  • mai 2018

    Award for the 3-Impact model of ++ zepeda given by the Chilean – Germany Chamber of ...

    Within the scope of the Annual Meeting of the Chilean – Germany Chamber of Commerce ...

  • novembre 2017

    Press release | Ovesco Endoscopy winner of 2017 innovation prize awarded by state of Baden...

    One of Germany’s first innovation awards, the state innovation award Baden-Württemberg – Dr.-Ru ...

  • août 2017

    Innovateur de l’année

    Ovesco Endoscopy est classée parmi les entreprises allemandes les plus innovantes Le magazine d ...

  • avril 2016

    Ovesco Endoscopy finalist in German Innovation Award 2016

    Ovesco Endoscopy is among the three most innovative medium-sized enterprises in Germany The Ger ...

  • novembre 2015

    Hidden Champion 2015: N-TV SME Award Category “Innovation” Third Place

    N-TV-article (german) N-TV-video-report (german)     ...

  • mai 2014

    ZIM Award (Central Innovation Initative by the German Department of Commerce) First Place

    Ovesco wins Award of the Ministry of Economics for successful product innovation and excellent ...

  • septembre 2010

    ICT Event in Brussels

    The VECTOR project receives “Best Exhibit Award” on ICT 2010 conference in Brussels ...

  • ScopeCaps, OTSG Xcavator
    août 2020

    Prof. Meining received the ESGE Innovation of the Year 2020 Award for the OTSG Xcavator

    Prof. Alexander Meining, Interventional and Experimental Endoscopy (InExEn), Internal Medicine ...

  • septembre 2018

    Dr Edris Wedi honored for his research on hemostasis with the OTSC Clip

    Dr Wedi received the DGVS endoscopy research award for the FLETRock study, a multi-centric stud ...

  • mai 2018

    ESGE Innovation of the Year 2017 Award for the BougieCap

    Prof Dr Alexander Meining, Department of Interventional and Experimental Endoscopy, University ...

  • mars 2018

    PD Dr. Arthur Schmidt, Ludwigsburg, Germany, honored for WALL RESECT study at GASTRO UPDAT...

    PD Dr Schmidt, Department of Inner Medicine II, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology and ...

  • juillet 2017

    Prize for the best poster awarded for UK FTRD Registry Data to Dr. Castro Silva and collea...

    Within the scope of the Annual Meeting of the British Society for Gastroenterology (BSG) from ...

  • mai 2017

    Dr. Malay Sharma won the Audiovisual Award

    Dr. Malay Sharma from North India received the audiovisual award for the use of the ...

  • avril 2016

    Dr. Arthur Schmidt obtient la meilleure contribution dans le domaine “lower GI”

    Meilleure contribution dans le domaine “lower GI”, conférence DGE-BV, Allemagne „En ...

  • octobre 2015

    Dr. Arthur Schmidt reçoit prix “Science for Life”

    Prix “Science for Life” par Olympus Europe et DGVS, Allemagne „Endoskopische Vollwa ...

  • novembre 2014

    Birte Löffler

    Best Poster, 12th Bionics Conference of the Society of Technical Biology and Bionics, Germany “ ...

  • juillet 2014

    Dr. Thomas Kratt récompensé pour la réussite d’un projet de transfert

    Prix pour un excellent transfert de technologie, CCI / IHK Reutlingen, Allemagne Projet de tran ...

  • juin 2014

    D. López Peñas

    Award for presentation, SED conference, Spain “Report on a successful closure of a pharyngocuta ...

  • mai 2014

    Drs. M. Damm, A. Schmidt, K. Caca

    Bronze Medal, Video World Cup, DDW conference, USA Study on resection of lesions in the ...

  • mars 2013

    Dr. Thomas Kratt honoré pour une étude de cas présentée

    Prix pour la présentation d’une étude dans le domaine de la résection de pleine épaisseur ...

  • HAUT