Conference of the German Society of Gastroenterology, and Digestive and Metabolic Diseases with Endoscopy Section (DGVS) and the German Society of General Surgery and Visceral Surgery (DGAV):
HemoPill® – Swallowable sensor capsule proves small bowel bleeding fast and reliable.
FTRD® System – Endoscopic full-thickness resection with the FTRD closes an important gap in the endoscopic treatment of mucosal and submucosal lesions.
OTSC® System – The OTSC is a well-established method of treatment for acute perforations.
The 75th annual conference of the German Society of Gastroenterology, and Digestive and Metabolic Diseases with Endoscopy Section (DGVS) took place together with the 14th autumn conference of the German Society of General Surgery and Visceral Surgery (DGAV) on September 16 – 19 , 2020, originally planned to be held in Leipzig, Germany, due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic held in digital form, .
Ovesco products were presented in different talks and posters.
For further information see:
Conference Report of DGVS and DGAV 2020 (English)
Kongressbericht zur DGVS und DGAV 2020 (German)