Ovesco Endoscopy AG fait un don de 3 314,05 euros à “Help for Sick Children”,
„Everyone is just talking about it – ovesco does it“ – thanks to ARKTIK, climate-neutral
Conference Report of the United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) 2019: OTSC® shows superiority over conventional
A randomized controlled trial presented at the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) meeting shows the
Conference of the German Society of Gastroenterology, and Digestive and Metabolic Diseases with Endoscopy Section
Ovesco Endoscopy AG partnered in an innovative training network focusing on “Wireless in-body environment communications”
In 156 patients with histologic evidence of adenocarcinoma, EFTR was technically successful in 92.3 %
Ovesco Endoscopy is pleased to announce that the stentfix OTSC® System Set has received market
The Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Editorial Board chooses resection techniques namely EMR/submucosal dissection and full-thickness resection as
EFTR in 30 patients with recurrent / residual colorectal neoplasia led to R0 resection in